Jennifer and Anthony have 4 children. Jennifer was an LPN for 12 years at Brookhaven Hospital but stopped 2 years ago to take care of her children full time.
The following are Jennifer and Anthony's children:
Ben is 14-years-old in 8th grade in a Special Education program. He is now in an outpatient program 5 days a week from 11am – 7pm for psychotherapy. Ben has Pica, an eating disorder.
J.J. is 10-years-old in 5th grade. He has ADHD and Bipolar disorder.
Aidan is 8-years-old in 3rd grade. He is autistic with limited verbal skills and a sensory processing disorder. Aiden needs feeding therapy for his nutrition.
Alex is 6 years old in 1st grade. He has juvenile arthritis and osteomyelitis which is an uncurable, lifelong condition. Alex is also anemic.