Kelly and Steve Frisenda are the parents of Harrison, 7 years, and Charlotte, 4. Charlotte was born prematurely at 29 weeks and has been diagnosed as diabetic as her father, Steve. After a planned trip to the Bronx Zoo fell through due to a job interview for Kelly, a cousin brought the children to the Long Island Game Farm. Returning from their day trip, a serious and tragic accident led to the untimely passing of young Harrison and left Charlotte with severe internal injuries. Through organ donation, Harrison was heroically able to save the lives of three others. Unfortunately, the person responsible for the accident was underinsured, limiting the amount Kelly and Steve were able to recover. An additional surgery for Charlotte unrelated to the accident but rather to having been born prematurely has left the Frisenda’s with thousands of dollars of outstanding medical bills. Steve has recently returned to work though Kelly has yet been able to return to work. Kelly is once again pregnant. However, being 38 years old and with a history of Charlotte’s premature birth and subsequent health issues, the pregnancy is considered high-risk. We are glad we were able to help this amazing family work through their hard times, and we wish them all the best for the upcoming birth of their new baby.